Supply Chain Consulting
All Aspects from Procurement to Handling to Payment
Leveraging efficiencies in the supply chain is a crucial component for many businesses. For Wholesaling/Asset Management/Retail and Service Industries, this can be one of the most critical paths to success.
Having the right part or item at the right time at the right place is what it's all about. Stocking levels that make sense taking into account lead times, shelf life, absoluteness to ensure your carrying what you need.
Understanding where your stock is and how to receive and issue the stock effectively and efficiently – utilising fast interfaces such as bar-coding or apps to increase data compliance.
Areas we can assist include;
Procurement – ensuring your procurement system is working efficiently, PO’s are clear and convey the correct information, receipting is straight forward and you are collecting all the information required.
Warehousing – ensuring your storage area is fit for purpose, assessment of storage needs and labeling. Physical layout and logical layout to ensure system and physical align. Inventory flow including traffic management and safety issues.
Usage – ensure the system will enable staff to find and manage stock. Design systems and processes to ensure the inventory usages/movements are recorded.
Payment – ensure payment to suppliers is seamless and that 3 way checking processes are adhered to for payment to occur